



Collection Department Services

The Collection Department collects and accounts for approximately $1.4 billion in tax revenues for more than 80 taxing jurisdictions, such as cities, school districts, etc., located within Jackson County.

Below is a list of services provided by the Collection Department. 

Billing FAQ's

1. When will I receive my tax bill?

Tax bills are mailed between Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving. Bills should be received by December 1. They are also available online at

2. I already paid online, why did I still get a bill?

Due to the volume of bills, they are generated for printing in mid-October. We are unable to remove taxpayers who pay prior to bills being mailed. Therefore, anyone who pays prior to bills being mailed will still receive a paper bill in the mail. Taxpayers can always check or myJacksonCounty to determine if their bill is fully paid.

3. Why did my personal property bill go up when I own the same car?

By Missouri state statute, the Assessor’s Office bases all vehicle values on the average trade-in value as published by the National Automobile Dealers Association. Depending on the trade-in value of your car, your value may have changed even though your vehicle didn't.

Personal Property tax bills list the Assessed Value assigned to each vehicle on the account. Personal property tax is calculated by dividing the assessed value for the property by 100, and then multiplying that value by the levy rate for the area, which is found on the upper-righthand corner of the tax bill.  The Collections Department cannot lower the assessed value, the levy rate, or the tax bill amount.  

4. When are my taxes due?

Property taxes are due on December 31st. Interest, penalties and fees will accrue if payment is late.

For payments made by mail to be on time, the U.S. postal service postmark date must be December 31 or earlier. If mailing on the final day, contact the Post Office to determine the office hours for mail postmark to ensure your mailed payment is timely made. Payments placed in Post Office mail drop boxes do not always receive the same day postmark. The Department of Collection highly recommends mailing several days before the December 31 deadline.   

5. How long does it take for my payment to be processed?

Payments that are made online are processed immediately and a receipt is available immediately. Payments made in person are processed immediately and receipts are provided. Mailed payments generally take 5-7 days to be received by the postal service and then take another 7-14 days to process. Near the end of the year, it could take up to 30 days for checks to process. Receipts will not be sent for mailed payments but are available online at under “tax receipts”.

6. Why do I have a Late Filing Fee if my taxes aren’t due yet?

This fee is not related to a late payment. Individual Personal Property Declaration postcards are mailed in January and March. Declarations not completed before May 1, are subject to penalty. This penalty will range from $15 to $105 depending upon the assessed value of your account. If you have any questions about your Individual Personal Property Declaration, please contact the Jackson County Assessment Department as soon as possible: or 816-881-1330.

7. What if I do not receive a bill?

The Department of Collection mails tax bills during November. If a tax bill is not received by December 8th, contact the Collector's Office at 816-881-3232 or check your account online. You can check the amount due and pay the bill at any time online at payments.jacksongov.orgFailure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the obligation to pay taxes. Taxes not paid in full on or before December 31 will accrue interest, penalties and fees.

Telephones and email are staffed during regular business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays observed by Jackson County). We experience high call volumes during November and December, so wait times on the phone can be long. Taxpayers are encouraged to refer to these FAQs when applicable or email at

8. To whom do I make checks payable?

Make any check or money order to: Jackson County Collector and include your Property Account Number on the document. If mailing, please include the remittance. To be timely paid, all payments must be USPS postmarked by December 31. Checks can take up to 30 days to process. Receipts will not be sent for mailed payments but are available online at under “tax receipts”. Payments made online are processed immediately and taxpayers have immediate access to those receipts.

9. What hours are you open?

The Jackson County Courthouse in Kansas City and the Historic Truman Courthouse in Independence are open 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays observed by Jackson County.

A drop box for property tax payments is located at the west door of the Jackson County Courthouse in Kansas City (415 E. 12th St.) and at the south door of the Historic Truman Courthouse in Independence (112 W. Lexington). Both drop boxes will be locked at midnight on December 31. Do not place cash in either drop box. Online payments are accepted 24/7. Online payment processing ends at 11:40pm on December 31st.

10. What is the cost to pay online?

Prior to January 1st 2025: All transactions will incur a $2.00 transaction fee. Taxpayers can pay online using an e-check (ACH) without any fees. Taxpayers using a debit or credit card will be charged a 2.75% processing fee.

Starting January 1st: All transactions will incur a $2.00 transaction fee. Taxpayers paying online by e-check (ACH) will incur an additional $1.25 processing fee. Taxpayers paying by debit or credit card will be charged an additional 2.75% processing fee.

11. If I am paying in person, what do I need to bring?

Please bring the entire bill and your form of payment. If you do not have your bill, a bill can be printed for you, but this does create some additional wait time.

12. How do I get a copy of my receipt?

Online: You can find your receipt through the dashboard on your PayIt app. You can also find it by going to and clicking on “tax receipt” in the blue box near the bottom.

Mail: We are no longer mailing receipts for payments unless a taxpayer is unable to access them online. Your receipt will be available online via the directions listed above as soon as the payment is received and entered. Entry of mailed payments takes longer near the end of the year. When payments are made online, a receipt is available immediately.  

In person: Any time a taxpayer pays in person they will get a printed receipt at time of payment. Taxpayers can also come to either location to get a receipt in person.

13. I just purchased this property. Why do I owe back taxes?

Taxes are a lien against the real estate and remain with the property, not the specific owner of that property. When property ownership changes, the new owner is liable for any unpaid real estate property taxes due.

14. Why do I owe the entire bill even though I only lived in the house for a few months?

The new owner/buyer has the responsibility for paying the total tax bill by December 31.

Generally, taxes are prorated between the buyer and seller. If this is being done, a proportionate amount of the estimated tax amount is credited to the buyer at the time of sale based on the number of months/days the seller owned the property during the tax year. If the buyer receives extra money at closing or loan settlement, it is recommended the buyer verify if those funds are for the payment of future taxes.

Typically, no money is paid to the Collector for taxes at the time of sale. However, a closing company as part of the sales transaction may pay any taxes currently due if known. You will have real estate property taxes to pay each year you own the property. Taxes are levied annually and due upon receipt.

A tax bill may be generated in the previous owner's (seller's) name and mailed to their mailing address unless the purchaser advises the Jackson County Assessor's office of the change in property ownership and mailing address. If you do not receive a real estate tax bill from the Jackson County Collector by December 8, contact the Collector's office.

15. Why wasn’t my real estate bill sent to my mortgage company?

Review your contract to see if you are obligated to pay the taxes or if the mortgage company collects an escrow and pays the bill for you. If the mortgage company pays the bill for you from an escrow account, forward the bill to them.

Each mortgage company submits an annual request to Jackson County for copies of the real estate bills that they plan to pay for that tax year. The Department of Collection bills the mortgage companies based on what accounts they request. Due to the constant buying and selling of mortgages in today’s economy, sometimes the tax bill is sent to the wrong company.

16. What about my escrow account?

Mortgage companies typically pay tax bills in December and adjust your monthly payment for any changes needed. Call your mortgage company for specific answers.

17. Why do owners of commercial real property have a "Commercial Surcharge" on their tax bills?

At the election held on August 3, 1982, the voters of Missouri approved the amended provisions of section 6 of article X of the Missouri Constitution creating the Commercial Surcharge. Commercial and industrial real property is assessed an additional county surcharge designed to replace revenues lost by the tax exemption of business inventories. The levy rate on this charge is 1.4370. This charge only applies to properties with commercial values and only applies to the commercial values of mixed-use properties. 

27. How do I contact the PayIt (myJacksonCounty) Support Team?

If you have questions, concerns, or feedback to share, please get in touch! Please send an email to or call at 855-798-0608.

28. Do I have to create an account?

You do not have to create an account to pay online using PayIt. To proceed without creating an account, click “continue as guest”. The benefit of creating an account is that by signing up and creating a profile, PayIt is able to pre-populate form fields and expedite the payment process on your next visit.

29. What if I can’t find my property online?

If you can’t find the property using the name or address search, we recommend searching using the parcel or account number which can be found on your bill. If that doesn’t work, or if you need your account number, please contact Taxpayer Services at or 816-881-3232.





Personal Property Tax

Personal property taxes are levied annually against tangible personal property and due December 31 each year. The United States Postal Service postmark determines the timeliness of payment.

 More information.

Real Estate Property Tax

Real Estate property taxes are levied annually and due December 31 each year. The United States Postal Service postmark determines the timeliness of payment.

 More information

Senior Property Tax Credit Program

In accordance with the current updates to Missouri State Statue 137.1050, Jackson County has now established an application process to set your “frozen” amount this year and bring senior citizens much-needed tax relief on future years tax bills. The program now allows those taxpayers who are 62 years of age or older to receive a credit on future years tax bills that essentially freezes their property taxes on their primary residence to the tax bill amount from the year of application/eligibility. To qualify, taxpayers need to be 62 years of age or older, be the property owner, or have a legal or equitable interest in the home, is liable for the payment of real property taxes on the home and occupy the property as their primary residence. The year of application and eligibility establishes the base tax year amount, and credits appear in the years following.

Go to the program page for more details and to apply.

Printable flyer about the Senior Property Tax Credit Program(PDF, 355KB)


Senior Property Tax Credit Program FAQs

1. What is the Senior Tax Credit Program?

This is a Jackson County program, authorized by state law, that “freezes” an eligible senior’s real property tax bill from increases in future years. The tax credit will not be reflected until the following tax year after your initial application. You can read more on our website at:

2. What are the required qualifications?

The following qualifications are required:

  • The program only applies to real property taxes.
  • You must be 62 or older by December 31 of the application year.
  • You must live at the Jackson County property as your only primary residence.
  • You are the property owner or have a legal interest in the home.
  • You are liable for the payment of real property taxes on the home.

3. How do I apply?

Applications are available online, by emailing a request to:, or obtained in person at either Collection Department office location. The deadline to submit applications for taxpayers that meet the requirements is December 31. For any taxpayer that becomes eligible in any future year, their application must be submitted by December 31 of that year.

Applicants will be notified by email or mail of their approval or if additional information is required. Since applications may be submitted until December 31, not all applicants will be notified prior to the end of this year about their application status. However, any application submitted prior to December 31 will be accepted for the current tax year.

4. What taxes are included in the program?

Only Ad Valorem (A/V Principal) taxes will be credited. Additional charges such as Special Assessments, CIDs/TDDs, and energy districts are not considered as part of the eligible credit amount and are due in full each year regardless of homestead property tax credit program status. Abated or incentivized parcels are not eligible to also benefit from the homestead property tax credit program in the tax year such homestead is receiving tax abatement or tax increment financing.


Senior Quad Payment Program

Jackson County offers Senior Citizens a "Quad Payment Program" to spread their County real estate tax bills over 4 payments. Visit the program page to learn more about this option for seniors.

Senior Quad Payment Program FAQs

1. What is the Senior Citizen Quad Payment Program?

The Senior Citizen Quad Payment Program gives Jackson County seniors the option to spread payment of their County real estate tax bills over 4 equal installments - without interest or penalties. You can read more on our website at:

2. What are the required qualifications?

The following qualifications are required:

  • The program only applies to real property taxes.
  • You must be 62 or older by December 31 of the tax year.
  • You must live at the address which you desire to have covered by the installment option.
  • You (not a trust) must own this real estate in fee simple or as a co-tenant, by tenancy in common, joint tenancy or tenancy by entirety.
  • All prior year taxes must be paid and not be delinquent.
  • The property is assessed solely as a residential property.
  • You must apply for the program and meet all requirements to remain in the program.
  • Real estate taxes paid by a mortgage company are not eligible.


State Tax Credits

Property Tax Credit

Certain senior citizens and 100% disabled individuals may be eligible for a Missouri income tax credit for a portion of the real estate taxes or rent they have paid for the year. The credit is for a maximum of $750 for renters and $1,100 for owners who own owned and occupied their home, and can only be claimed on the home they occupied during the period being claimed. The actual credit is based on the amount of real estate taxes or rent paid and total household income.

Visit Missouri Department of Revenue for more information.

Delinquent Land Tax Sale

 Learn more about the Delinquent Land Tax Sale


Do Business Online

Personal Property (vehicle) questions/requests email:

Real Estate and Property questions/requests email:

Billing Questions/requests email:

Vehicle Licensing

Vehicle licensing and titling is handled by the Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR). Taxpayers should direct questions regarding licensing and titling to the DOR or to local motor vehicle branch offices. See documents needed for vehicle licensing and related information here. 

More Questions

Telephones are staffed during normal business hours.