Jackson County Detention Center

Bonds may be posted any time after the court has set the bond. All Jackson County Court bonds posted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday should be posted at Criminal Records, at 1315 Locust St. Kansas City, MO.

Please call 816-881-4201 (option 5) prior to posting any bond to verify amount.

Please call 816-881-4201 (option 5) after posting bond to notify Records staff that the inmate has posted and should be processed. We do not receive any other notification that the funds have been placed on the inmate’s account.

We do not take bonds for the Kansas City Police Department, please call 816-234-5180

24/7 card payment is available online at www.accesscorrections.com (additional fees may apply).

You can also pay by card over the phone: 1-866-345-1884

Cash or card payment can be made through our on-site kiosk at 1300 Cherry St, Kansas City, MO (7% vendor fee will apply, the machine does not take $1.00 bills)



Commissary Order

Policy Change Effective January 1, 2019

Inmates, family, and friends can order from the commissary once per week. Inmates can order a maximum of $60.00 in items for both on site inmate and off-site family/friend purchases. Money must be in the inmate's account before an order is placed.


The Department cannot accept money at the Detention Center main window. Those wishing to give inmates money for their accounts can do so one of four ways.

Funds can be posted to an inmate's account online at:
Securepak (family packages) at accesscatalog.com or Access Corrections (trust fund deposits) at accesscorrections.com.

Funds can be deposited by phone at 1-866-345-1884.

Cash or credit cards are accepted at the kiosk located in the visitation lobby of the Detention Center. Kiosk deposits for the commissary are immediately posted to an inmate's account.

Those wishing to give inmates money for their accounts can also do so by sending Postal Money Orders made payable to Jackson County Detention Center. The inmate's name and sequence number should be included on the memo line. No cash, payroll checks or any other checks will be accepted. Money will be posted to the inmate’s account within 48 hours of receipt.

Phone Use & Mail Policy

Inmate Use of Phones

Phones are in or near all inmate living areas of the Jackson County Detention Center. Inmates can call out by making a collect call, but they cannot receive phone calls.  Access to make calls is based on the building schedule.  In general population living areas. phones are disabled overnight, during mandatory sanitation periods, and at shift changes. Inmates also have access to make calls using their tablets on the same schedule as the wall phones in the living units. Click here to see more information on how the inmate telephone system works. Detention Center staff are not permitted to give inmates verbal messages from callers or visitors.

Inmate Use of Tablets

In addition to telephone calls, inmate tablets may be used to send and receive electronic messages. Click here to for more information on how the electronic messaging system works.  Electronic messages are limited to 30,000 characters and are charged at a rate of $0.50 per incoming and/or outgoing message.  Inmate to inmate communication is prohibited.  Sanctions for transmitting messages between inmates are as follows:

  • 1st offense – 7 days suspension of messaging access.
  • 2nd offense – 30 days suspension of messaging access.
  • 3rd offense – permanent removal of messaging access.


Inmates are also able to receive electronic photo delivery on their tablets.  Click here for more information on how the electronic photo delivery system works.  All electronic photos are reviewed for content and are charged at a rate of $1.00 per photo.  All photos must meet the following guidelines in order to be approved:

  • No depictions of gang or security threat related activity.
  • No depictions of illegal and/or illicit activity.
  • No pictures of court-related documents.
  • No pictures containing nudity, near nudity, or sexually explicit activity.
  • No depictions of what appears to be illegal drugs, paraphernalia, or usage of either.
  • No pictures containing firearms or any other weapons.
  • No depictions of violent or abusive activity.

Inmate Access to Mail

It is the policy of the Jackson County Detention Center to ensure safety and security throughout the facility while providing a systematic process for the collection and distribution of inmate mail.

All regular (non-legal) Inmate postal mail must be sent to the following address:

Smart Communications/ Jackson Co. DOC
Adam Smith #123456 (example inmate)
PO Box 9167
Seminole, FL 33775-9167

All regular postal mail (postcards, letters, greeting cards, etc.) will be scanned into the system and available via the tablets and kiosks.  Your name and booking/ID number must be clearly printed on the outside of the envelope or postcard to ensure the mail is posted to the current account. Inmates cannot receive any packages from any delivery service EXCEPT the United States Postal Service. 


The Department of Corrections stores all the property of inmates when processing them and taking them into custody.

Property Release

Inmate personal property is released Monday through Friday (9 - 10 a.m. and 5 - 6 p.m.). There must be a release voucher initiated by the inmate on file stating what items and/or amount of money is to be released and to whom.
Only the person named on the voucher may pick up the money or property. A valid driver's license or state approved ID card is required for release of property and/or money.

Trial Clothing

Clothes for a jury trial may be brought in the day of the trial. Only one set of clothing will be accepted at any given time. After the jury trial, the clothes brought in will be released. Male/Female clothing items allowed for jury trial are:

  • Bra (with no under wire)
  • Conservative outer attire (dresses, suits, slacks, and shirts)
  • Dress belt (normal size buckle)
  • Neck ties (conservative colors and/or designs)
  • Shoes, socks, and tee shirts


Each person arrested must be processed, which involves identity verification, background screening, searches and photographs. Many are booked and released upon posting bail.

Those unable to post bond or are ordered by the court to be held in custody at the Jackson County Detention Center while awaiting trial go through classification. The Detention Center houses those arrested for crimes ranging from petty theft to homicide, but classifies these inmates differently.

Classification assesses the risks posed by and needs of each inmate. The physically and mentally ill are separated from the healthy. Violent and disruptive inmates are separated from those who are non-violent and comply with Detention Center rules and policies.


Read through the Terms of Use/Disclaimer before using the inmate search tool.


General Rules

All visitation between the general public and inmates at the Jackson County Detention Center will be through our video visitation system. All visits, both on-site and remote, will be conducted through the video visitation system. All visitors at the Jackson County Detention Center are expected to comply with the following rules:

  • Follow the instructions of Correctional Officers.
  • Visitation will be prohibited if the inmate has a pre-scheduled program, court, clinic visit, or professional appointment.
  • Individuals under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian for visitation privileges.
  • All adult visitors must have either a valid driver's license, state-approved identification card, U.S. Passport, U.S. Military Service Card or Green Card. No exceptions!
  • Outer garments (coats, jackets, "hoodies," sweaters, hats, etc.) must be removed prior to visiting. Lockers are available.

Facility Rules

  • Restrooms are provided in the visitation lobby.
  • Visitors appearing or suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be allowed to visit.
  • Early departures will end the visitation period. You may not return to the visit if you have to leave to use the restroom.
  • Visitation kiosks are accessible to persons with disabilities. (Staff assistance will be provided where appropriate.)
  • Children must be under your direct supervision at all times while in the facility. They are not to run around or climb on seating in any Visitation Reception Area.
  • Conversation must be in normal tones. Profanity or obscene words and/or gestures are prohibited.
  • Inappropriate behavior or disobeying staff are grounds for denying or terminating the visit.
  • Visitors cannot leave anything for the inmate. Violations of this rule may result in the visitor being arrested or barred from visitation.
  • Visitors are subject to a police records check.
  • Visitors may be required pass through a weapons metal detector and/or be frisk searched in order to visit. Visitors who cannot clear the security check or who are uncooperative will be denied access into the facility.
  • The Detention Center reserves the right to refuse, cancel or terminate any visit without notice.
  • All persons and property are subject to search.
  • All visits are limited to a maximum of 30 minutes.

Special Visits

Inmates not on visitation restriction are allowed one on-site video visit each day.  In certain circumstances, a Special Visit may be approved at the discretion of the shift administrator or their designee.  A Special Visit may be considered as:

  • Out of Town (traveling an excess of 75 miles)
  • Questionable Visits
  • Hardship Cases

All Special Visits must be approved by the shift administrator or designee. A Special Visit is a consideration, not a mandatory requirement.


Clothing & Attire

The Department recommends that visitors wear conservative clothing. A visit will be canceled if clothing is too revealing. The Correctional Officer will make this determination.

Prohibited Clothing & Jewelry


All visitors are required to be appropriately dressed.  Inappropriate dress includes, but is not limited to, any inflammatory words or imagery, sheer or see-through materials, exposed undergarments, or anything that may pose a safety or security risk or that may cause disruption to the order of the facility. SHOES MUST BE WORN BY ALL VISITORS.

Scheduling Visits

It is imperative that the following steps are followed to schedule visits with an inmate at the Jackson County Detention Center.

To schedule an on-site visit (free):

  1. Go to smartjailmail.com
    • First-time users will need to complete an online registration.
    • To complete registration, the visitor must have an email address.
    • Each visitor will be required to provide a current picture of their face and of their identification card.  These pictures are solely for the purpose of identifying the person creating the account and are not visible to inmates. Visits cannot be scheduled without completing the registration process.
    • Once registration is complete, you must request a connection to a specific inmate.  Each inmate determines if they want to accept a connection or not.
  2. Click the "Visitation" button in the services menu.
  3. Click the “Schedule a Video Visit” button.
  4. Search for and select the inmate using their name.
  5. Click the “Local Visit” option.
  6. Choose how long you would like to visit.
  7. Choose the date and time you would like to visit.  (Visits must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance and may be scheduled up to 7 days in advance.)
  8. Confirm the details of your visit and click the “Confirm and Schedule Visit” button.

Visitors must arrive on time for the scheduled visit.  Approximately one hour before the scheduled visit time, you should receive a text message or email from Smart Communications which will include a Visitation QuickCode. Enter the QuickCode into one of the visitation kiosks available in the jail lobby and follow the prompts to begin your visit.  You may also log in with your username and password if you do not receive a QuickCode or would like to use the visitation kiosk to schedule another visit.

After you begin your visit, the system will wait until the inmate is also logged in.  Once both parties are present, the visit will begin.  The visit will end automatically when time runs out. On-site video visitations are available 8:00 AM-11:00 AM and 1:30 PM-4:00 PM daily.

To schedule a remote visit ($0.10/minute):

  1. Go to smartjailmail.com
    • First-time users will need to complete an online registration.
    • To complete registration, the visitor must have an email address.
    • Each visitor will be required to provide a current picture of their face and of their identification card.  These pictures are solely for the purpose of identifying the person creating the account and are not visible to inmates. Visits cannot be scheduled without completing the registration process.
    • Once registration is complete, you must request a connection to a specific inmate.  Each inmate determines if they want to accept a connection or not.
  2. If you do not have any credits, purchase credits prior to scheduling your remote visit.
  3. Click the "Visitation" button in the services menu.
  4. Click the “Schedule a Video Visit” button.
  5. Search for and select the inmate using their name.
  6. Click the “Remote Visit” option.  Credits must be purchased prior to scheduling the remote visit.
  7. Choose how long you would like to visit.
  8. Choose the date and time you would like to visit.  (Visits must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance and may be scheduled up to 7 days in advance.)
  9. Confirm the details of your visit and click the “Confirm and Schedule Visit” button.

Once scheduled you will see the details of the visit on your list of scheduled visits on the website. On the day of your visit, log in to the website using your desktop computer, laptop, or compatible mobile device. The 'Status' of the visit will change to 'READY - BEGIN VISIT' about ten minutes prior to your scheduled start time. Click the 'BEGIN VISIT' option when it appears to begin your visit.

After you begin your visit, the system will wait until the inmate, prisoner, or detainee is also logged into their kiosk. Once both parties are present, the visit will begin. The visit will end automatically when time runs out.

NOTE: Please note that for remote visits from home, you will use your desktop computer, laptop, or a compatible mobile device. Using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari for your visit is recommended. On a mobile device, you will need a strong and reliable internet connection, or your visit may not work.  Only your face will be visible during the visit.  Turning your face away from your camera will cause the video feed to stop.  Please keep this in mind when scheduling your visit as your video feed may be interrupted if you are distracted and/or doing other things.

Remote video visitations are available 5:00 AM-6:00 AM, 8:00 AM-11:00 AM, 1:30 PM-4:00 PM, and 6:30 PM-9:30 PM daily.

The following are grounds for immediate termination of all video visits (on-site or remote):

  • Nudity, near nudity, or depictions of either
  • Abusive language or behavior
  • Use of a cell phone or camera within frame
  • Driving a motor vehicle (passenger in a car is acceptable)
  • Illegal drugs, paraphernalia, or depictions of either
  • Weapons or depictions of weapons

Violations of any of these will result in the following sanctions:

  • First offense: 7-days restriction of visitation privileges (onsite and remote)
  • Second offense: 30-days restriction of visitation privileges (onsite and remote)
  • Third offense: 90-days restriction of visitation privileges (onsite and remote)
  • Fourth offense: Permanent loss of visitation privileges (onsite and remote)

Other rule violations or questionable actions will be reviewed on an individual basis.


In September of 2003, the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was signed into federal law to address the sexual abuse and harassment of incarcerated individuals. The law mandates that states adopt a "Zero Tolerance" for all forms of offender sexual abuse and harassment and that each state make prevention of inmate sexual abuse and harassment a top priority.

Zero Tolerance Policy

The Jackson County Detention Center has zero tolerance toward all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment, and provides guidelines to prevent, detect and respond to such prohibited and/or illegal sexually abusive behavior. 



In person: any available staff member 

Phone: PREA hotline 

Mail: Office of Ethics, Human Relations, and Citizen Complaints
415 E. 12th Street
7th Floor
Kansas City, MO 64106 

General public 

Members of the general public may submit information regarding a potential PREA incident by completing the form in the link below.

Mail: Office of Ethics, Human Relations, and Citizen Complaints
415 E. 12th Street
7th Floor
Kansas City, MO 64106 




Overcrowding and deteriorating facilities require the need for an upgraded Detention Center. Jackson County has established a multi-phase plan to support the planning, design, construction, and activation of a new jail facility for its citizens. Learn more here.