Stormwater Management
Stormwater is any water that is not soaked into the ground after a rainstorm.
Consequently, stormwater runoff can pick up pollutants while flowing into local streams and rivers. Jackson County works to manage stormwater in conjunction with land use change in order to protect water quality and the reduce impact of stormwater on local water resources. The Stormwater Management Program (SWMP), works to control pollutants in stormwater discharge by unifying programs such as training, planning, maintenance, construction and facilities management with a common focus on water quality issues. Jackson County complies with the Clean Water Act requirements administered by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources while reducing pollutants from our region’s storm sewer system.

Tips for Improving Water Quality:
- Landscape with native plants to increase water infiltrations and decrease lawn maintenance.
- Never discard trash or yard waste down storm drains or in the street.
- Dispose of pet waste properly.
- Use lawn chemicals safely. Always follow label instructions and never apply before rain or watering the lawn, unless directed.
- Redirect downspouts to drain rainwater onto lawns and gardens.
- Wash your car at a professional car wash that filters the wastewater or wash your car in a grassy area. Do NOT wash cars on driveways or in the street.
- Use rain barrels or rain gardens to conserve rainwater on your property.
What is Illicit Discharge and How Does it Affect our Storm Water?
Illicit Discharge means any direct or indirect Non-Stormwater Discharge to the County’s Separate Storm Sewer System.
Illegal Connection means either of the following:
a) any pipe, open channel, drain, or conveyance, whether on the surface or subsurface, which allows an Illicit Discharge to enter the storm drain system including, but not limited to, any conveyance which allows any Non-Stormwater Discharge, including sewage, processed wastewater, and wash water, to enter the storm drain system, regardless of whether such pipe, open channel, drain, or conveyance has been previously allowed, permitted, or approved by an authorized enforcement agency; or
b) any pipe, open channel, drain, or conveyance connected to the County’s Separate Storm Sewer System which has not been documented in plans, maps, or equivalent records and approved by an authorized enforcement agency.
BMP’s To reduce Illicit Discharge into our streams (Educational Materials provided by Mid America Reginal Counsel
- "If its on the ground its in our water"
- "Pick-up after you pets"
- "Redirect Downspouts"
- "Safe Alternative to Household Chemicals"
- "Protect our streams"
Ordinances in Place
Chapter 44: Nuisances
Chapter 241: Erosion and Settlement Control
Other Resources for Water Quality