Human Resources Department - Distinguished Team Award


Jackson County’s Human Resource Department has worked diligently to keep associates safe and informed during the unprecedented Corona Virus Public Health Crisis. These professionals had to quickly learn how to follow and implement official guidance from the CDC for our county associate’s health and well-being.

Working closely with the Jackson County Health Department and Executive Office, Jackson County’s HR Department took every precaution when developing safety measures for our county associates. Policies for Covid leave, travel restrictions, safety guidelines, and remote work policies, had to be created. Vaccine information and locations were disseminated. Information was fluid and ever-changing, necessitating frequent and ongoing policy updates as new and vital information was presented. During this extraordinary time, the HR Department became the associate’s primary resource in understanding how to move forward in the workplace.

The HR Staff was consistently outstanding at communicating with department coordinators throughout the Covid testing process. The team listened to feedback from each department and incorporated recommendations on many occasions. The team was always available to take calls and answer questions. If they did not know the answer to a particular question, they tracked down the correct information and provided direction back to the department as soon as they could. No question went unanswered.

The team coordinated technology needs, equipment and supplies for the County’s Covid testing sites. Hardware, software, and Wi-Fi connections were provided and supported by HR and IT. Throughout the testing process, needs were quickly addressed, creating an efficient testing environment, with no downtime. When supplies ran low, the team always had back up items to provide on short notice.

The Jackson County Human Resources Department has had to do difficult work under difficult circumstances. Their leadership through this pandemic goes unchallenged. HR Director Michelle Chrisman and her team of professionals are wearing more hats than ever before, performing tasks they hadn’t previously been expected to do on behalf of county associates.