The Jackson County Auditor's office plays a crucial role in the County Charter's system of checks and balances.
- The County Auditor objectively evaluates the effectiveness of County activities, operations, services and programs to assure compliance with the County Code as well as Missouri State Statutes.
- The County Charter dictates that the County Auditor's position be independent of both the Executive and Judicial branches.
- The County Auditor is appointed by and reports to the County Legislature.
- The Finance and Audit Legislative Committee oversees the activities of the County Auditor. The Auditor serves essentially as an extension of the legislative branch in an oversight and informational role.
Auditing Process
The Charter grants the Auditor full access to the books and records of every County department. This access, coupled with the office's independence, enables the Auditor to fulfill a Charter-mandated duty of continuously investigating the work of all County departments.
The Auditor's Office supervises the Compliance Review Office to ensure Affirmative Action and Prevailing Wage Contractor Compliance guidelines are followed in Jackson County.
The Office also obtains proposals for Outside Agency Funding.
Types of Work Performed
Performance Audits
Assess program effectiveness and results, operational efficiency, compliance with legal and policy requirements, and evaluation of management and internal controls.
Financial Audits
Assess the integrity and reliability of financial data, internal controls, accounting practices, and compliance with applicable statutes.
Follow-Up Reports
The Legislative Auditor’s Office conducts follow-up audits to determine the progress made in addressing findings identified in previous audits.
To be more informed about pending legislation and other issues coming before them, individual Legislators occasionally request audit research of a limited scope. In addition, department directors occasionally request assistance from the County Auditor’s Office.
Major Steps in the Audit Process
- Develop audit scope and objectives
- Conduct fieldwork and analysis
- Develop report draft with findings and recommendations
- Revise draft based on agency input
- Prepare final draft for response
- Publish report with response
- Present report to Legislature
- Report available to public
- Methodology for Conducting Reviews