Senior Quad Payment Program

Spread Real Estate Tax Bill Over 4 Installments

The Senior Citizen Quad Payment Program gives Jackson County seniors the option to pay their County real estate tax bill in four equal installments -- without interest or penalties applying. The installment payments are due December 31 of the tax year and then February 28, May 31 and August 31 of the following year.



This program does not apply to non-real estate taxes. To qualify:

  • You must be 62 or older by December 31 of the tax year.
  • You must live at the address which you desire to have covered by the installment option.
  • You (not a trust) must own this real estate in fee simple or as a co-tenant, by tenancy in common, joint tenancy or tenancy by entirety.
  • All prior year taxes must be paid and not be delinquent.
  • The property is assessed solely as a residential property.
  • You must apply for the program and meet all requirements to remain in the program.
  • If the property is put into a trust it will no longer qualify to remain in the Senior Quad Program.

Quad Payment Deadlines

  • December 31
  • February 28
  • May 31
  • August 31

Pay Now



What is the Senior Citizen Quad Payment Program?

The Senior Citizen Quad Payment Program allows eligible Senior citizens the option to pay the county real estate tax bill on their place of residence in 4 equal installments without the accrual of interest and penalty. The first installment must be paid on or before December 31st of the tax year. The subsequent installments must be paid on or before February 28, May 31 and August 31 respectively of the year following the tax year. The Quad Payment Program does not apply to the payment of non-real estate taxes.

"Place of Residence" as used in this section shall mean the single assessed residential location within Jackson County where an eligible taxpayer actually resides.

How do I qualify for the Senior Citizen Quad Payment Program?

To qualify for the Senior Citizen Quad Payment Program:

  • You must be 62 years of age or older by December 31 of the tax year
  • You must live at the address which you desire to have covered by the quad installment payment option
  • You (not a Trust) must own this real estate in fee simple, or as a co-tenant, by tenancy in the common, joint tenancy, or tenancy by the entirety
  • All prior year taxes must be paid and not delinquent
  • The property is assessed solely as residential property
  • You must apply for the program and meet all requirements to remain in program

Exclusions: Real estate held in the name of a trusteeship and/or real estate which taxes are paid by a financial institution with the obligation to pay these taxes as a service from escrow accounts are not eligible for participation in the Senior Citizen Quad Payment Program.

How do I sign up?

If you meet the qualifications listed above, you may apply for the Senior Citizen Quad Payment program by providing proof of your age and your residency at the property for which the Quad Payment installment option is being sought. To apply, please print out the Senior Citizen Quad Payment Plan Application, complete this application requesting enrollment in the program and submit along with photo copies or scanned images of your driver’s license, state ID or other document(s) which confirm your age and address.

Submit application and proof of age and residence to:

Collections Department
415 E 12th Street
Suite 100
Kansas City, MO 64106


Will I still receive a tax bill?

As long as a tax service company has not requested your bill to pay on your behalf as part of an escrow service, an annual bill will be mailed to you. The County will send an additional 3 bills prior to each additional deadline. 

How do I make my quad installment payments?

You may mail your payment (payable to Jackson County Collector), pay in person at one of the County's Collection Department Offices or our satellite office, or you may also pay your property taxes online or on your mobile device. Jackson County Collection Department accepts payment by cash, check, cashier's check, money order or credit and debit cards.

Notice: The Jackson County Courthouse and the Historic Truman Courthouse are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays observed by Jackson County.

A drop box for property tax payments will be located at the west door of the Jackson County Courthouse in Kansas City (415 E 12th Street) and at the front door of the Truman Courthouse in Independence (112 W Lexington Ave). Both drop boxes will close at midnight on December 31. Do not place cash in either drop box. To review your account or print your Official Paid Tax Receipt here.

You can also pay your quad installment payments through Jackson County's online system here.

What happens if I miss or am late with my payment?

Failure to pay any installment in the time and manner provided shall cause a senior to be removed from the quad payment program and will result in interest and penalties being charged retroactively back to the first day of January of the year following the initial billing of the real estate taxes as if the senior had never been in the quad pay program and had simply paid late on their taxes.

Once removed from the quad pay program for failure to make a timely quad installment payment, a senior taxpayer may not be allowed to rejoin the quad pay plan for the purpose of completing the installments still due for the most recent tax year. However, any eligible senior will be allowed to rejoin the quad installment plan for future tax years after completing a new senior quad pay application as long as all prior year taxes are paid and not delinquent.