Personal property taxes are levied annually against tangible personal property and due December 31 each year. The United States Postal Service postmark determines the timeliness of payment. For example, a payment mailed and postmarked on December 29 is considered paid on time even though the Collector's Office does not receive the payment until January 2. The Collector's Office mails tax bills during November. If a tax bill is not received by December 1, contact the Collector's Office at 816-881-3232. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the obligation to pay taxes and applicable late fees. Taxes not paid in full on or before December 31 will accrue interest, penalties and fees. Taxes are assessed on personal property owned on January 1 but taxes are not billed until November of the same year. Taxes are due for the entire amount assessed and billed regardless if property is no longer owned or has been moved from Jackson County. State law requires that personal property taxes be paid before license plates on vehicles can be issued or renewed.
No, you may mail your payment (payable to Jackson County Collector), pay in person at one of the County’s Collection Department Offices or our satellite offices, or you may also pay your property taxes online or on your mobile device 24 hours a day. Please note that the online payment website will close at 11:40 p.m., December 31.
The Jackson County Courthouse is located at: 415 E 12th Street Suite 100 Kansas City, MO 64106
The Historic Truman Courthouse is located at: 112 W Lexington Suite 114 Independence, MO 64050
Both courthouses are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays observed by Jackson County.
To make an online payment, visit our Online Payment Program.
If you were assessed and paid taxes in Jackson County for the prior two years, you need the prior two years’ receipts. If you were assessed in another Missouri County, you should contact that county for copies of that county’s receipts. If you cannot locate your Jackson County tax receipt for the appropriate year, to reprint your Official Paid Tax Receipt visit the Research Tax Account page.
To obtain a duplicate of your original property tax receipt for free, visit the Research Tax Account page.
Jackson County Assessment ATTN: Taxpayer Service 415 E. 12th St. Kansas City, MO 64106-2745
10. Why is my tax bill so high?
Please click here for a list of required documentation.
If you have current paid property tax receipts or a tax waiver from your previous county for the last two years, you will take these along with the other required information, such as titles/application for title, vehicle registrations or renewals, to the Department of Revenue branch office. However, it is important that you contact the Jackson County Assessment Department by calling 816-881-3530 and let them know you are now a resident of Jackson County and need to be placed on the tax rolls. You can learn more from the Assessment Department.
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