A committee for reapportionment of the County Legislature shall be appointed every ten years, after the report of the decennial census shall become available, or in the event that the apportionment of districts has been invalidated by a court of competent jurisdiction. The reapportionment committee shall consist of six members, three from each of the two parties casting the highest vote for County Executive at the last preceding election. Before September 1, 1981, and every tenth year thereafter, or within ten days after a final judgment invalidating the apportionment of the districts, the County Executive shall notify the chairperson of the county committee of each of the two parties each of which shall within thirty days thereafter nominate by vote of a majority of the members of the committee six members of its party, each from a different County Legislative district, and certify the nominees to the County Executive. Each nominee shall be a registered voter in the district from which he or she is nominated and shall not be a member of the County Legislature. Within fifteen days after being notified of the nominees by each party committee, the County Executive shall select a reapportionment committee consisting of three persons from each party, no two of whom may be from the same legislative district. If the county committee of a party fails to make nominations within the time required, the County Executive may fill vacancies in the commission from persons of the same party.
The reapportionment committee shall present a report within sixty days after its appointment, signed by at least two members of each party, dividing the county into districts and districts at large that are compact, of contiguous territory and as nearly of equal population as is practicable. The report shall be filed with the County Executive, the Clerk of the County Legislature and the offices or officers charged with conducting elections in the county. The County Legislature shall be elected according to such districts at the next general election held at least eight months after the report is filed, and thereafter until the next reapportionment.