If you are planning to provide food at a celebration or event, you are required to obtain a Temporary Food Permit. You must complete the Temporary Food Permit Application. The fee for the application is $55 for a permit not to exceed 14 days. A separate permit is required for each event in which a Temporary Food Establishment operates. A $30 late fee will be added to all Temporary Food Permit Applications received less than 48 hours prior to the event date. Non-profit organizations planning to sell food at a celebration or event, should complete the Non-profit Temporary Food Permit Application. This application is valid for four events, each event may not exceed 14 days. The fee for the application is $30. Non-profit organizations must submit proof of 501(c) exemption form or other tax exempt letter with the application. You may obtain a pamphlet outlining the Guidelines for Temporary Food Facilities(PDF, 496KB) from Environmental Health by calling (816) 881-6690.
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