
Please submit your Firework Applications by April 29, 2025, via email to Mary Jo Spino, Note that Zoning Determinations will need to be emailed to the Public Works Department separately.

Please mail the firework application, required documentation and two checks for fees to:  

Mary Jo Spino
Clerk of the County Legislature
415 E. 12th Street, 2nd Floor
Kansas City, MO 64106

Email the Zoning Determination Form directly to:

Randy Diehl, Development Division Administrator in the Public Works Department at  

Firework applications will be due Friday, April 29, 2025.

County Ordinances

The Jackson County Legislature enacted Chapter 56, Jackson County Code related to the issuance of permits for the seasonal retail sale by non-profit organizations and the licensure of wholesale and retail sales by wholesale fireworks distributors of consumer fireworks. During the course of this year and in future years, the Legislature may make changes to the application process and scope and use of the permits and licenses as deemed necessary for public safety concerns and practical experience.

You can download a copy of Chapter 56 and these related ordinances:

If you have any questions regarding the code you may contact the County Counselor's Office.



Permits are taken Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. at the:
Public Works Tech Center
303 W Walnut
Independence, MO 64050

We strongly encourage you to download the information on all permits before coming to the office so you will have all the information you need. If you have additional questions, please call 816-881-4649.